четверг, 23 августа 2012 г.

World stray animals day: the day of tears

And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.
“The Boondock Saints”

The whole world celebrates the stray animal day on 16th of August; more precisely, the whole civilized world where homeless animals have rights, protection and their own celebration days. In countries of ex-Soviet Union (Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, etc) however the only rights animals have are those to be beaten to death,  tortured, abused, bullied ,taken by animal controls and slaughtered often in the most cruel and sadistic way.

Dump bodies of stray animals. Village Zhetekshi Pavlodar region, Oct. 12, 2011.

The only law on animal rights in Kazakhstan is represented by the existing article 276 on “Animal cruelty” which simply does not work and needs to be amended. If we look at the police complaints statistics in a small town of Kazakhstan Kostanay, we will find out that there are no complaints about animal cruelty and abuse whatsoever! According to the local newspaper (Nash Kostanay) in 2011 only one such case was investigated! Not a single case of animal abuse has been reported this year. This is due not even so much to the poor legislation on animal abuse but rather to the “indifference of good men” I started this post with: people who witness animal abuse do not take any measures in reporting it. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark! And this “something”, summed up by animal abuse and cruel murders, weak legislations and indifferent attitude of people, needs to be eradicated!

Dear Sir…

In May this year the minister of agriculture of Republic of Kazakhstan wrote in his blog that the government will not participate in creating a shelter for homeless animals. This was his answer to a letter written by a little girl Aselya in regards to animals abuse that are being held at animal control facilities. Aselya has reported that animals are being held in small cages with no access to food or water and then being killed in the most cruel way: beaten to death, strangled, stabbed as no one wants to spend any money on euthanasia. As an alternative, she suggested the animal shelters which should be subject to regular controls. “Unfortunately the idea of creating an animal shelter and paying for animal sterilization does not sound very attractive to local businessmen and demands constant funds. As for the state budget, expenses on such matters are not foreseen.” – claimed the Minister. Link

The existing aid…

To my knowledge there are presently only three animal rescue organizations in Kazakhstan working on an honorary basis: “Beliy Bim”  which is the very first homeless animal shelter in Almaty, “Kostanay Zoo Pulse” which is a rehabilitation center for stray animals where I work as a volunteer and "Inucobo" - homeless animal shelter in Astana. I would like to address to my countrymen and  all those who will never turn blind eye to this problem: please look around you and help us!

Shelters are always lacking funds, food, medicine, building material, volunteers, etc. If a good soul out there brings an old matrass (for enclosures), food, money for rent or medicine – it will make our life much easier.
For more details on helping the “Beliy Bim” shelter click here and for “Kostanay Zoo Puls” click here. Go on our websites, see who we are and what we do – this is important!

And if the cry for help of little Aselya was not heard, perhaps hundreds and thousands of such cries put together will make the difference.

I need your vote!

It’s today the day when you can change something, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year….
If you are against animal cruelty, if you understand that constant slaughtering of homeless animals is not a solution, if you realize that the laws on animal abuse have to be reinforced – let the world know about it!
It’s today that we start raising votes in favor of building and financing animal shelters, of reinforcing the law on animal abuse; it’s today that we start great things from small beginnings.

Please go on following link http://www.thepetitionsite.com/314/196/946/homeless-animals-of-kazakhstan-are-asking-for-help/ and leave your signature under the petition that will be addressed to the President and members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The aim of this petition is to draw the government’s attention on the necessity to elaborate new laws that would truly protect the animals. This has to be done both for animals and for our own sake!

Our country has achieved considerable success and continues to set higher standards for economy, industry, social affairs, modernization etc, but yet we are stuck in immorality, cruelty, indifference and irresponsibility which is mostly impacted and taken out on the weakest. And if the animals cannot speak for themselves – it is our duty to speak for them!

Please leave our signature and tell you friends about this – we must have an opportunity to address to our government and to be heard!

Olga Kaschenko, translation Jeanne Tikhonenko

4 комментария:

  1. Who created these evil people? Goodness, these dogs should have a place on earth too and to be happy. I blame the law makers because they allow this barbarism.

  2. We have put your petiton link and your blog.link in our daily email NEWSLETTER sent out to over 300 individuals in media, politics, animal protection organsiations all across Europe. Hope many people are signing. Good Luck !

    Martina Patterson (Germany) and Lisa Boldizsar (Austria)
